Message from Olivia’s Mom
“On February 1, 2017, the day before Olivia's diagnosis, I never could have imagined all that would have transpired the very next day until now.”
Olivia’s Birthday - just days before diagnosis
…There were indeed signs my little girl was not well, but you don’t see it clearly until after the fact because no one would think their child has cancer.
Walking on this journey with Olivia was the most physically, emotionally, and spiritually challenging time of my life, but in reflection, I believe that God used it to grow me in my faith and trust in Him. Just like how muscles become stronger when they are exerted and strain against resistance, our faith can also grow when put to the test.
I felt led to start Prevailing Crowns because, in addition to offering Crown Kits to children, I wanted to provide resources to parents that would encourage them and give them hope, especially in those quiet moments when you no longer have to put on a brave face and must wrestle with all the emotions you are feeling of sadness, anxiety, anger, fear, loss, and exhaustion.
If you are walking alongside your child with cancer, know that you are not alone. It is my hope that you will draw close to God during this season and feel His presence.
Feel free to check out and participate in the resources offered on this website. May God’s enduring love prevail in your life and give you hope!
Welcome to The Resource Hub
The Resource Hub seeks to equip you as parents with helpful information, tools, and support networks to carry you through this season as you seek to provide the best care & well-being for your child (and for yourself!)
CHOC Family to Family Videos
Thanks to our friends at Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC) and Reimagine Well for allowing us to share this wonderful series of short videos with you. You’ll gain the insight, advice, and perspective of several parents whose children were diagnosed with cancer.
Each video averages 1-2 minutes in length, so feel free to watch all or just selected topics. Some of the topics include: Meetings with Medical teams, Caring for Caregiver, Avoiding Burn Out, Understanding the Medical Language, Organization, Finding Motivation, Including Siblings, Utilizing Online Resources, Dads, Communicating with Family & Friends, Psychological Services, Nutrition, Protecting Your Child, Avoiding Negativity, Parenting a Sick Child, Boundaries, Port Accessing, Schooling, Steroids, Coping and so much more.
Medicine Chart Template
Download this free Excel template to help you keep track of which medications to administer and when. Assign a color code to each medicine/prescription, and then build out a schedule for the month. On a printed copy, you can also write down the time the medicine was taken by your child, so you have a record of it.
*Helpful tip* Place a sticker of the same color on the actual prescription bottle to make it easier to know which medicine to take since some look alike.
Facebook group - Christian Parents of Kids with Cancer
This Facebook group is a safe place for parents of children diagnosed with a pediatric cancer to find spiritual support, encouragement, and resources from a Christian perspective--as we stare down childhood cancer together with our Great God. To request to join this Private Facebook group, please click this link and then click the button for “Join Group”
Thriving in the Midst of Cancer
For information about how to help your child thrive, visit our friends at the MaxLove Project. Their website has a 7-Point Action Plan as well as recipes and other resources that your child may benefit from.
Join Us for Monthly Prayer Meetings for Parents of Children with Cancer
Calling on the Power of Prayer
From “Mom’s Little Book of Powerful Prayers”. Adapted by permission from Moms in Prayer International. Copyright 2017
A Need for God’s Healing
I am the LORD, who heals you. (Exodus 15:26)
Praise God: Who is the Great Physician.
Confess: Any times I have doubted God’s compassion and willingness to heal.
Offer Thanks: To our Great Physician for his power to heal our afflictions, great and small.
Ask God: O blessed Great Physician, you are the Lord who heals. I ask you to heal my child. By the power of your great mercy, provide strength as he fights the daily challenges of this illness. Help him to be courageous and not become discouraged. I pray for your healing power to touch his body so that he will enjoy good health once again. During this time of sickness, I ask you to strengthen his inner spirit and make him more like Jesus. Please use this affliction to help him become a more compassionate, caring person who is quick to pray for others who are sick. I ask that you would grant the doctors wisdom, understanding, and compassion in treating my child. Please help him sleep peacefully knowing that he is in the palm of your hand and that you will never leave him or forsake him. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Remember: God, our Great Physician, is kind, compassionate, and merciful.