Our Story
A Sweet Blessing…
Olivia received 70+ infusion chemo treatments in addition to months of oral chemo during a period of 27 months. One of many blessings was that Olivia’s hair did not start falling out until she was in the treatment phase called ‘delayed intensification’, which began 9 months after her initial treatment. In October, when Olivia’s hair noticeably began to thin, Erika asked Olivia if she wanted to save her hair, with the idea that it could be added to a hat. Olivia loved the idea because she didn’t like her illness being the center of attention and conversation. Erika braided Olivia’s hair into two ponytails, cut off the pieces, and figured out a way to attach the braids to various hats interchangeably.
Olivia wore one of her hats while out with others, and on the days she stayed in the hospital. Erika observed that the hat gave Olivia the confidence to be like any other kid and minimized the anxiety of not having hair in public, while also circumventing those uncomfortable questions or looks from strangers when seeing a bald child.
Olivia’s hats – the future inspiration for Prevailing Crowns – provided her with a boost that aided tremendously in her mental well-being and physical healing. She was always found running around joyfully. We believe God used this opportunity to help provide the much needed emotional support during such a trial. We’d like to share this same gift with your child, with the hope that they will benefit from it as much as Olivia did.
Learn more about how Prevailing Crowns is making an impact in the lives of children with cancer.
What inspired the name ”Prevailing Crowns”??
“So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone, and struck the Philistine and killed him. But there was no sword in the hand of David.”
-1 Samuel 17:50
While Erika was studying the book of 1 Samuel, a well-known story suddenly had new significance. As she read about the shepherd boy, David, and how he battled and prevailed over the Giant Philistine named Goliath, Erika saw it as a demonstration of how the Lord intercedes for those with great faith.
The image of children battling an enormous beast, named cancer, may seem insurmountable to many, yet with great faith, courage, and the grace of God, many do prevail.
We call our hats ‘crowns’ per James 1:12 (NIV) which says, "Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him."
We want encourage each child and their family to grow in their faith and remain full of hope during their child’s healing journey.